module Euler.Problems.Problem15
  ( answer
  , countPaths
  , countPaths'
  , P
  , Counts
  ) where

import Euler.Prelude

import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe

-- | The number of routes through a 20x20 grid.
answer :: Integer

answer = countPaths (20, 20)

countPaths :: P       -- ^ (x, y)
           -> Integer -- ^ The number of routes through an x-by-y grid.

countPaths d = (Maybe.fromJust . Map.lookup d) (countPaths' Map.empty [d])

-- | Position in the grid
type P = (Integer, Integer)

-- | Mapping from positions in the grid to the number of routes from the
-- position.
type Counts = Map P Integer

  :: Counts -- ^ Some counts that are already known
  -> [P]    -- ^ Stack of positions yet to be considered
  -> Counts -- ^ Counts from every position

-- When the stack is empty, we're done.
countPaths' counts [] = counts

countPaths' counts stack@((x, y):restOfStack)

  -- If the stack head's count is already known, just pop it off.
  | Map.member (x, y) counts = countPaths' counts restOfStack

  -- If either coordinate is zero, there's only one path.
  -- Add it to the counts and pop it off the stack,
  | x == 0 || y == 0 = countPaths' (Map.insert (x, y) 1 counts) restOfStack

  -- If both of the adjacencies' counts are known, then this count
  -- is their sum. Add it to the counts and pop it off the stack,
  | Foldable.null unknownAdjacencies =
      let c = Foldable.sum $ mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` counts) adjacencies
      in  countPaths' (Map.insert (x, y) c counts) restOfStack

  -- There are some unknown adjacencies. Add them to the stack.
  | otherwise = countPaths' counts (unknownAdjacencies <> stack)

    adjacencies = [(x - 1, y), (x, y - 1)]
    unknownAdjacencies = List.filter (`Map.notMember` counts) adjacencies