{- |

Dates are used in Euler problem 19.

module Euler.Util.Date
  -- * Functions
  , monthLengths
  , yearLength
  , leap

  -- * Properties
  -- $properties

  ) where

import Euler.Prelude

import Data.List ((!!))


monthLength :: Int -> Int -> Int
-- ^ @'monthLength' y m@ is the number of days in month @m@ of year @y@.

monthLengths :: Int -> [Int]

-- | The number of days in a year AD.
yearLength :: Int -> Int

-- | Whether a year AD is a leap year. Leap years contain an extra day
-- in February.
leap :: Int -> Bool


monthLength y 2 = if leap y then 29 else 28 -- february
--                 jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
monthLength _ m = [31, 0,  31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] !! (m - 1)

monthLengths y = monthLength y <$> [1..12]

yearLength y = if leap y then 366 else 365

leap year | year `mod` 400 == 0 = True
          | year `mod` 100 == 0 = False
          | year `mod`   4 == 0 = True
          | otherwise           = False


{- $properties

The length of a year is equal to the sum of the lengths of its months.

prop> yearLength y == sum (monthLengths y)
